Thursday, January 15, 2015

Coolest Baby Shower Games - Where to Find Them!

So you want to have an exciting baby shower? How many times have you been to a baby shower where the shower games made you feel foolish or were impossible to win? There are web sites you can go to and find the coolest baby shower games around; ones where you don't have to have your photo taken wearing a humiliating baby bonnet nor do you have to make fifty words out of the word pacifier in one minute.

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Good baby shower games aren't hard to find and have progressed beyond the days of "guess how many diaper pins are in the jar". If you can spend a little bit on it, there are sites where you can purchase baby shower kits, some of which include quite a few games for baby showers including Baby Bingo, a twist on the original game or Baby Trivia where guests compete to see who can correctly answer the most questions about babies. These kits usually include invitations you can print out along with other baby shower needs.

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Many people use games that simply aren't fun instead of games that will help guests who may have never met mingle like old friends. The coolest baby shower games for that purpose are ones that make people laugh. People tend to want a good chuckle while playing baby shower games along with more sophistication than in days of old.

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Steer away from baby shower games that could embarrass your guests or that physically tax them leaving them too tired to give the mom to be that attention she deserves. To leave everyone thinking yours was the best baby shower ever, use the coolest baby shower games. That will be remembered long after they forget about that awful pink punch you served.


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